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Simple Wisdom from the Heart with Regina Dawn Akers

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Regina Dawn Akers live on Friday May 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM EDT. Click here to listen to the show.

Regina channeled the book The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) and founded the online church Awakening Together. Regina grew up in a Christian home; however, she became aware of differences in Biblical interpretation within the Christian community and also aware of the similarities, the most important one, “God is Love.” Regina knew in her heart that this must be true and she yearned to know God’s love perfectly. Although Regina was fascinated by all religions, she never settles with any one particular religion. She was driven by an inner desire and she needed time to discover the calling within her heart. In April of 2004, Regina spontaneously awakened to her own desire while praying and began studying A Course in Miracles. She also began to receive guidance, visions and dreams that educated her about spiritual principles introduced in the Course. Regina didn’t want to guess the meaning of her visions, so she went to the keyboard and said a prayer. She asked the Holy Spirit to be very clear with her so she wouldn’t misunderstand His message and she began to automatically type. At first Regina was frightened by her experience, however, with the help from Spirit she of calmed her mind and her fear disappeared. That was the beginning of her writing with the Holy Spirit. “The New Testament is a symbol, just as you are a symbol and the words I share through you are a symbol. What they point to is Truth.” Regina left her career and home in Massachusetts and moved with her young daughter to North Carolina. There she began the work of listening to the inner dictation that resulted in The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI). In March of 2006, Regina received guidance to start The Foundation for the Holy Spirit with two friends, David "Dov" Fishman and Phil Frisk. The purpose of the foundation was to provide resources, teaching and counseling. Regina was guided to convert the Foundation for the Holy Spirit into an online church named Awakening Together. To learn more about Regina go to her website:

Regina Dawn Akers - Receiving NTI

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