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A Powerful Invitation to Awaken into Presence

Caroline Chang


With Leonard Jacobson as my guest on Awake 2 Oneness Radio this week I have been listening to many of his webcast videos in preparation for this Friday's show, June 5th at 7:00 PM EDT.

I love all of his webcast videos, however, thus far this one has been my favorite video. He explains in such easy to understand language the Truth of being Present. Last week I was in Los Angeles at the Agape Revelation 2015 Celebration and I had the most wonderful time of my life. Rev. Michael Beckwith stated "We are no longer Longing for a Future or Lugging a Past!" Which I thought was such a beautiful way of referring to living in this Present Moment! Honoring and being Thankful for What IS! In the beginning of this video Leonard Jacobson explains so beautifully the simplicity of being accepting and allowing of any Present Moment! How you respond to the moment is key! Do you react with judgment and complaint and fight against "What Is" or do you respond in a loving peaceful way to "What Is"? In this video, Leonard shares some of the Keys to Awakening as well as some of the Keys to living an Awakened Life. He invites us to respond to the powerful invitation constantly being presented to us by the Present Moment. This video invites the viewer into the deepest levels of Awakening into Presence.

The Invitation, Video Webcast, July 5 2011

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