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Creating a New Narrative of Peace with Philip Hellmich

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Philip M. Hellmich, Director of Peace at The Shift Network on Friday, February 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM EST. Click here to listen to the show. Philip brings more than 25 years of experience in international development and conflict transformation including 14 years with Search for Common Ground. He also served for four years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone where he lived and worked in small remote bush villages.

A published author, Philip recently published God and Conflict: A Search for Peace in a Time of Crisis. He serves as adviser to The Global Peace Initiative of Women. A long-time meditation practitioner, Philip enjoys studying and teaching about the parallels between inner and outer peacebuilding. Philip is the Director of Peace at The Shift Network, director of The Summer of Peace and lead designer of the World Peace Library. The Summer of Peace is an annual event created by The Shift Network in 2012 that includes a free online telesummit featuring interviews with peacebuilders from around the world. In 2012, Philip presented on the Summer of Peace at the first United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace. That forum was opened by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. In 2013, the United Nations published an article about the Summer of Peace in its UNITY magazine in China - (edited version) Creating a New Narrative of Peace: From Inner Peace to International Peacebuilding. Philip was the initiator and lead architect of the first virtual World Peace Library. Launched in 2014, the library includes interviews of over 350 peacebuilders representing over 15 sectors of society, including science, spirituality, education, business, military, etc…. Having conducted a majority of these interviews, Philip has a bird’s eye view of the larger peacebuilding trends emerging around the world. Philip has dedicated most of his life to global and local peacebuilding initiatives, including 14 years with Search for Common Ground. He also served for four years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone where he lived and worked in small remote bush villages. A published writer, Philip is author of God and Conflict: A Search for Peace in a Time of Crisis with a Foreword by Lama Surya Das. He serves as adviser to The Global Peace Initiative of Women. A long-time meditation practitioner, Philip enjoys studying and teaching about the parallels between inner and outer peace. To learn more about Philip and his work visit:

God and Conflict

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