Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Sandra Kryzakos live on Friday, December 2, 2016 at 7:00 PM EST. Click here to listen to the show. Sandra is the founder of the SHIfT into One program located in Toronto Canada and she teaches a Cracking the Consciousness Code 8 week intensive course. I like to share in her own words her explanation of the program:
Though my generic ‘label’ in this time/space reality is Sandra, it would perhaps be more fitting to introduce myself as “an aspect of you.” This is one of the tenets of SiO and indeed, is one of the key tenets at this juncture in our evolution. You see, who I am is irrelevant. It is who I am to YOU that is all that is relevant. And in fact, if you were not reading this, I as Sandra, would not exist. In quantum fact, even as you read this, I don’t exist. Only the words you are reading about someone called Sandra actually exist. I realize this can be hard to grasp so, for those who would like to know a little bit about my third dimensional (3d) experience, how I came to this Knowing and why I am here, I am happy to share my journey. I understand that human existence, at this point in our evolution, is such that the mind still has a ‘need’ to be satisfied before it will risk delving into unexplored territory. In other words, there must be some sort of credibility and reasoning that will satisfy the human mind (or the humind as I often call it) before an individual will allow them self to explore something unfamiliar. For something as unknown, foreign and even strange as the multi-dimensional work of SiO, the mind’s need to rationalize is even more heightened.
I get that. I accept that. It is with this understanding that I offer the following ‘background’ information on my physical expression in this time/space reality. I am identified as Sandra Kyrzakos. I am a vehicle for the ‘in-body-meant’ of a stream of Knowing, previously called SHIfT into NOW, that permeated my being through an awakening process that culminated in 2008. As I flexed my consciousness muscle, I grew in my ability to allow even more light to come through and expanded my Knowing accordingly. As I expanded so did SHIfT into NOW, eventually transforming and maturing into SHIfT into ONE.
I intentionally use the word in-body-meant (spelled that way) because this Knowing is not something that is separate from me. In other words, I do not ‘receive’ this information. Instead, I awaken to it. I expand into it. I Know it. It is innate within me and is as natural to me as breathing. It is who I am on all levels, layers and aspects of my expression rolled into this time/space reality. Not only is this who I am on all levels, layers and aspects of my expression in this time/space reality, it is also who you are too. You just may not have awakened to this realization, and hence accessed this information, yet. My reason for incarnating at this time in human evolution is to bring an end to ALL suffering and raise humanity’s vibration by awakening us to the Truth of who we really ARE, and our place in the Cosmos. I Serve those who are ready to transcend this reality alongside earth to become the NEW Human on the NEW Earth. I can promise you one thing: this is for real …. if …. you are ready for it. Are you one of the Ready Ones?
You can learn more about Sandra on her website:
What is SiO?