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Caroline Chang

It's Monday Only in Your Mind

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author Michael Cupo on Friday, October 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM EDT. This show has been pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Michael grew up in Newark, New Jersey, one of six children. He has been married for 25 years with two grown children; working the same job for 27 years. He is the happiest he has ever been and it is all because of the Love that has always been in his life. He attribute all that has happened to him to that Love. None of what has transpired in the last ten years of his life has anything to do with any worldly accomplishments. There was always a lot of love in his home growing up, but for reasons unknown to him at the time he was always in trouble. He was at the top of his brother-in-law’s “Who My Sister Shouldn’t Marry” list. He drank alcoholically, gambled, abused drugs and painkillers. He bounced from relationship to relationship. Even after he stopped abusing alcohol and drugs in 1987, his so-called outer troubles stopped, but he self-centered behavior never changed. All he did was substitute one compulsion for another. Although his addiction became more respectable—taking the form of material possessions—he was still trapped, migrating restlessly from one obsession to another. He went to Twelve Step meetings, derived some benefit from them, and then fell away. His loved ones got me into detox and rehab programs. But once I was released, the cycle of insatiable craving started all over again. This cycle seemed to work for him . . . until it didn’t. And then his life changed — not instantly or magically, but profoundly. He share this change in his book "It’s Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts". He discovered that he wasn’t dependent upon a substance or activity, but ruled by his ego. His need to reach outside himself for fulfillment was created by a false perception of deficiency. If this sense of lack didn’t exist in him, there wouldn’t have been a need to reach and grasp. His credentials for writing this book are simply that he live this change each day. His view of life is so different from the way it used to be. Through the practice outlined in his book, he has learned to quiet his mind enough to allow his heart to open. The quieter his mind becomes, the more Love becomes the default setting of his life. This is truly a modern-day miracle, a miracle that can happen to anyone who has the desire to change. You can learn more about Michael at his website:

It's Monday Only in Your Mind

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