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Forgiveness Made Easy with Barbara J. Hunt

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author, musician and coach Barbara J. Hunt on Friday, February 9, 2018 at 7:00 PM EST. This show has been pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Barbara is an author, musician, facilitator, coach, and forgiveness specialist. She has many years’ experience in transformational change and leadership training. Her private practice serves individuals and groups nationally and internationally, both on-line and in person. She is also one of the core team of therapists at Vital Detox Retreats in the UK, a deliberately developmental organization and the UK’s leading health retreat specializing in emotional and physical wellbeing. Barbara is passionate about discovering and sharing the most effective tools and practices for conscious living, working and relating and is an advocate for global peace. Barbara is also a singer, songwriter and musician, who has released several CD albums and single tracks and has gigged throughout the UK. She currently lives in the south west of England, UK. Barbara's book Forgiveness Made Easy was published his past November of 2017. The book addresses these questions: - How can you put the past behind you once and for all? - What do you do when you know you need to forgive, but can't? - Ever wished forgiveness was easier? Many people don't understand what forgiveness really is. Most people don't realize that they are the one who stands to benefit the most from forgiving. This simple, revolutionary guide explains what forgiveness really is - letting go of bad feelings - as well as what forgiveness isn't and how to overcome the five most common obstacles to doing it. Once you know what's been getting in your way, you can use the simple seven-step Forgiveness Made Easy Process immediately. To learn more about Barbara and her work visit her website:

Barbara J Hunt: The Secret to Peace

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