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Caroline Chang

Live Carefree with Medium Susanne Wilson

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with evidence-based medium and spiritual teacher Susanne Wilson on Friday, March 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM EDT. This show has been pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Susanne is an evidence-based medium and spiritual teacher living in Carefree, Arizona. She was born gifted, Susanne hid in the “psychic closet” while working as a corporate executive and university director, until a near death experience changed her mind about what matters most, in life, and after life. Susanne's mission is to empower people to use their intuition and to make their own direct connection with guides and loved ones in spirit. Her passion is teaching others how to connect with the spirit realm. She has participated in controlled scientific research with Dr. Gary Schwartz who states, “Susanne has been one of the best. Her skills as an evidential medium are complimented by her high integrity, credibility, and moral principles. Susanne’s work has also been acclaimed by researchers Victor Zammit and Roberta Grimes. Susanne currently serves as a Board member for the Afterlife Research & Education Institute as well as its Director of Mediumship Research and Education. In addition, Susanne serves on the Board of Advisors for the SoulPhone Foundation at the University of Arizona. Susanne’s goal is to reach as many people as possible, to help them learn to make their own connections with their loved ones and guides in spirit. Helping people to develop these skills and to expand in their understanding of death, dying, the afterlife, and appreciating what the dead want us to know about living instills personal power, hope, peace, and healing for those whom Susanne teaches. Her work as a medium has been researched and documented by world renowned afterlife researchers including Dr. Gary Schwartz and Dr. Victor Zammit. She has received 75+ verified legitimate testimonials published by Bob Olson on his highly respected Best Psychic Directory. To learn more about Susanne visit her website:

Psychic Medium Susanne Wilson

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