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Caroline Chang

Divine Knowing of LOVE in All

Awake 2 Oneness Radio welcomes back Modern Day Mystic Mary Reed on Friday, August 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM EDT. This show has been pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Mary is back with us sharing her profound ancient wisdom and mystical insights. It was all a surprise to her. She grew up an agnostic and wanted to be a back-up dancer for Michael Jackson. However she didn't think she was that cool; so she became a successful healthcare executive in Washington, DC. To her shock, in the winter of 2000 she began encountering profound wisdom in the company of God, Jesus, Buddha and Angels. Therefore now being a modern day mystic is as cool as it gets for her. Today she lives primarily in India but travel to share her truth from her experiences to help foster a joyful and often profoundly startling expansion of awakening to the purely Divine knowing of Love in all. Mary is the author of Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of The Message of Love and as she states in her book, she has for many years been a “kind, good-natured, cheerful ruminator who has had numerous involuntary visions and insights.” She grew up without any interest in religion but with an innate knowing that humans had more ability to access greater wisdom than most seemed to realize. Mary is originally from New Mexico but spent most of my career in Washington, DC, directing clinical research programs and nonprofit healthcare programs in America and Africa. Today she divides her time between India and traveling to share her story as a way to inspire others to rise to their greatest Divine potential. Mary enjoys occasionally sharing stories of how she sees the world through photos she take in her travels and enchanted surroundings. She also loves to dance; in the words of that wise spiritual teacher The Little Prince, these are the matters of real consequence. Every child has known God, Not the God of names, Not the God of don’ts, Not the God who ever does anything weird, But the God who knows only four words. And keeps repeating them, saying: “Come dance with Me, come dance.” ~Hafiz To learn more visit Mary's website:

In the Beginning there was Word and the Word Was God:

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