Awake 2 Oneness Radio with best-selling author Cynthia Larson on Friday, May 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Cynthia is the best-selling author of six books who helps people visualize and access whole new worlds of possibility. Cynthia hosts Living the Quantum Dream on the DreamVisions7 Radio Network. She has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and the BBC, and has presented papers at International conferences on science, spirituality, and consciousness. Since 1999, Cynthia has shared findings from scientific research in the fields of quantum physics, quantum biology, the placebo effect, positive psychology, sociology, and alternative medicine. Cynthia's articles have appeared in journals ranging from Cosmos and History, to Magical Blend, to Parabola. Results from Cynthia’s "How Do You Shift Reality?" surveys conducted in April 2000 and June 2013 document incidences of the most commonly experienced types of reality shifts, and her RealityShifters web site has compiled one of the most extensive collections of reality shift reports in the world. Her popular Ezine, RealityShifters, is eagerly awaited each month by thousands of subscribers world-wide. Experience a New Science of Instant Transformation The dawn of this new Quantum Age presents you with the radical new paradigm--that you are not your body or your situation, but instead are pure energy, pure consciousness. You exist in an interconnected Holographic Multiverse in which you are literally jumping from one parallel universe to another with every choice you make. Through such Quantum jumps, in a moment you can become smarter, more, confident, happier, more outgoing, more effective, in better relationships, with more willpower. You can gain practical tools to achieve real change in your life, and leap forward to become happier and more prosperous, living the life of your dreams. Join us in exploring the place where science comes together with inspiration and imagination. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, and a Doctor of Divinity. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, "How good can it get?" To learn more about Cynthia visit her website:
Shift Your Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson