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Spirit and Soul Foundation with Philip & Kerry

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Internationally renowned Spiritual Mediums Philip Dykes and Kerry McLeod on Friday, May 10, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show.

I had the honor of meeting Philip and Kerry in person in Boston at the We Don't Die Boston and in Orlando at We Don't Die Orlando events.

Philip is from the United Kingdom, regularly appearing in spiritual centers throughout the UK, Europe, USA and Canada. Philip also teaches at many workshops, seminars and tutorials internationally and is known for his in-depth accurate evidence he brings through in his readings. Early on at the world-famous Arthur Findlay College, left a profound impression on Philip's mediumship and understanding of how the spirit world works through us. Philip has taken part in a number of scientific investigations testing his Mediumship abilities, using tightly controlled methods studied by several Universities, looking at the intelligence shown by the evidential communications. Kerry is from Scotland, who regularly makes appearances at Churches and Spiritual centers throughout the world. She is also a teacher at several seminars across Europe, USA and Canada, teaching mediumship. Kerry also the lead teacher for The Spirit and Soul Foundation, which has progressive groups in both England and Scotland. Kerry is a founding member of the well-known and respected Dunfermline ASK Spiritualist Church, where she is President and Lead Tutor. Kerry both serves Spiritualist Churches and Centers and teaches in the UK and abroad. Kerry has also studied at the world famous Arthur Findlay College, which left a profound education of the spirit world with her and opened her mind to how mediumship should be logically and rationally delivered, this training has left Kerry with a well rounded knowledge of the mechanics of mediumship. The Spirit and Soul Foundation was inspired by the Spirit World, in order to offer opportunities to people, to access a form of spiritual learning and mediumship training, that goes beyond anything they may have experienced before. Philip believes that an education around the philosophies, science and history of Spiritualism, is key to the development of a good medium. It is Philips’ firm belief that a student should understand self, through their awareness and development of themselves, on an emotional, physical and mental level, as these are all vital components of a spiritual medium. To learn more about Philip and Kerry visits these websites:

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