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Caroline Chang

UPDATE: Brunson Brother’s Supreme Court Case

The Brunson Brother’s case still has a chance to be heard by the Supreme Court! As I shared in the blog post on December 3, 2022, The Brunson Brother’s Supreme Court Case.

Their case rests on the allegation that 385 members of Congress, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and former VP Mike Pence, failed to honor their Oaths of Office, which swear allegiance to the Constitution by vowing to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The Supreme Court did not hear the case on January 6, 2023, as we had hoped. However, the next opportunity for the court to hear the case is February 17, 2023.

There have been over 60,000 letters sent to the Supreme Court telling the justices to hear this case as a matter of Constitutional Law. The more letters they get the better, the goal is one Million.

Here is how you can help! Just got to:

It will give you all the instructions to mail two letters. One to the Supreme Court and a copy to the Brunson brothers so they have a copy of every letter sent to the court. Also, they make it real easy; they will do it for you! All you have to do is send $2 to cover their cost.

Brunson Brothers SCOTUS (click image to see video)

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