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God and I Are ONE: 1972 Lecture with Mr. Twenty Twenty

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Mr. Twenty Twenty on Friday, November 1, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show on BlogTalk Radio. Or click here to watch the show on YouTube.

Mr. Twenty Twenty had a near death experience, NDE when he was 23 years old. He was a recently married prison guard with only a few short months on the job. He was taken hostage in one of the worst prison riots in United States history. That was the beginning to his journey into exploring what was truly possible for us as human beings.

He was given a gift, a firsthand glimpse into what happens when a person dies and comes back. He was given the opportunity to live once again, and he vowed to make his life one that mattered. A life that was worth living.

When he turned 40 years old, he once again took some time to really explore what life was about, and what he wanted his life to be about. Some people would call this a midlife crises. Native Americans tended to call this a time of seeking clarity and vision, a “Vision Questing”. He had taken Vision Quests before – guided by a mentor he trusted – and he had been exploring and teaching what most people call personal development for over 15 years – but this time it was different.

He wanted to take his life to the next level, and to help even more people have a life worth living. A life where we don’t settle for what is probable, but a life where we really discover what is truly possible for each and every one of us.

He states, “We notice that when you Focus daily, on a Vision that is bigger than you, that life becomes so much more of an Adventure of A Lifetime.” That is why he changed his name to Mr. Twenty Twenty – the number for perfect vision.

To learn more about Mr. Twenty Twenty and Neville Goddard visit these websites:

Neville Goddard - God And I Are One - 1972 Lecture

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