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Helen Keller's Physical Disabilities Gave Her Keen Insight and Wisdom

Caroline Chang

Most people know of Helen Keller and may have seen the movie "The Miracle Worker", portrayal of how Annie Sullivan taught a deaf and blind six years old Helen how to communicate with the world. There were two versions of this movie; the first one came out in 1962 starring a young Patty Duke and the remake of the movie "The Miracle Worker"by Disney came out in 2000. I usually don't like remakes better than the original, however in this case I really do like the remake by Disney much better than the original film. Many of us are aware of the amazing accomplishments of Helen Keller as an author, journalist, activist and lecturer. However, many may not be aware that because of her inability to see or hear with her physical senses, she actually was able to develop an extremely keen sense of the world vibrational; giving her a better insight of the world than we have with our physical senses. Also with the lack of her physical senses it gave her the unique opportunity to be immerse in the Present moment, in the NOW, affording her the luxury of basking in all the wonder and beauty that is always all around us in the eternal Now. Her disabilities were a true BLESSING! She was very much aware of the Oneness of everything because she could feel and sense it all around her. She speaks so beautifully of this in her autobiography; where she tells us when she was a child and asked Bishop Brooks "Why are there so many religions?", he answered her "There is one Universal Religion, Helen, the religion of LOVE!" This she knew in her young heart to be true because she could sense the Oneness and unity of all things. She goes on to say about Bishop Brooks, "His life was a happy illustration of his great truth...he saw God in All." Helen was also immersed in the quiet stillness and silence of spirit; she would listen to the "inner melodies of spirit" not disturbed or interrupted by the hustle and bustle of exterior noise. She so elegantly describes the beauty and wonder of her life in her autobiography "The Story of My Life". The Story of My Life Audiobook by Helen Keller

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