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Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Guest Channel Barbara Brodsky

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Guest Channel Barbara Brodsky, founder of Deep Spring Center for Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry, Friday, March 20th, 2015 at 7:00 pm EST. This show will be the 2nd Episode in the series "Suicide from a Spiritual Perspective".

Barbara Brodsky is a dharma teacher who leads meditation retreats and spiritual inquiry workshops worldwide.

In Ann Arbor, Barbara is the founding and guiding teacher of Deep Spring Center which offers non-denominational spiritual teachings and practice. She has been practicing meditation since 1960 and teaching since 1989.

Her teaching draws from dual roots in the Buddhist and Quaker traditions. Her Buddhist training is in the Theravadin and Pure Awareness traditions.

She became totally deaf in 1972; living with silence has greatly influenced her life and teaching, as have years of active involvement in nonviolent action for social change. Since 1989, Barbara has been the channel for the spirit, Aaron, and, with him, offers personal spiritual direction sessions and group workshops. Eight books of Aaron’s teachings have been published.

Four recent ones are Presence, Kindness, and Freedom, released Dec. 2003 by Deep Spring Press, Cosmic Healing; A Spiritual Journey with Aaron and John of God, released March 15, 2011 by North Atlantic Books, and Aaron/ Q’uo Dialogues; An Extraordinary Conversation between Two Spiritual Guides; also published by North Atlantic Books, and Human, published by Deep Spring Press in 2014.

Barbara and Aaron's work together is based on non-duality teachings and intended to support the deepening of wisdom and compassion. Barbara also serves as a Medium for the Brothers and Sisters of Light, including Jeshua and the Mother with whom she leads "Remembering Wholeness" workshops. Barbara also serves as a medium for the Brothers and Sisters of Light with what we call “Spiritual Energy Healing,” and teaches mediumship. Finally, since 2006 she has been a Daughter of the Casa and a guide to John of God’s Casa de Dom Inácio in Brazil,

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